Thursday, February 24, 2011

Birth Observe # 3

     The week of February 7th, I was in Gainesville all week for my Florida Law and Rule workshop. One of my midwives clients was in her window to have a baby and I was concerned that I would be stuck in Gainesville for her birth. Her birth would be my first HBAC (home birth after cesarean) and I really didn't want to miss it.
     On Tuesday around 8pm, my midwife called me to let me know that her mama was in labor. The midwife informed me that she was on her way to their house. She was going to check her and then let me know the status. Around 10pm, the midwife called me back to let me know that she was about 4cm's. The midwife knew that I really wanted to make this birth but she also knew how important it was that I not miss school. I told her if she could use me I'd come for the labor, even if I missed the birth. So around 10:30pm I headed back toward Tampa to meet her at the birth.
    Everything went so perfectly. My first HBAC was born in the water at 8:19am on 2/8/2011 weighing just over 10 pounds. 

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