Our vision is to staff and maintain a free standing birth center in Haiti that will serve as a safe and clean place for women to come for free quality health care from midwives and naturopathic doctors. We will provide prenatal, birth, postpartum, and pediatric care, as well as education and other life saving services. Our birth center will have necessary medical supplies, running water, and a generator for power. We will provide care 24/7.
We envision women coming one time per week for group prenatal care and us going to surrounding villages two times per month to provide prenatal care and village healthcare for families.
We envision mothers and families meeting in our classroom space weekly to learn about prenatal health and nutrition, hygiene, childbirth education, breastfeeding education with the goal of exclusive breastfeeding for a minimum of one year, contraception methods, and sustainable living (including herbal health remedies, gardening and raising chickens). We envision having a garden at our birth center that will be used as an example for gardening fruits, vegetables and medicinal herbs.
We envision our birth center being a place where pregnant women and their families can fill jugs with clean drinkable water. We also plan on giving the families that complete our program water filtration systems to promote continual health. We plan on feeding our clients a healthy meal at their prenatal appointments, classes and during their postpartum stay at the birth center.
We envision collaborating with Haitian midwives and midwifery students to reduce the maternal, fetal and neonatal mortality rate in Haiti. We feel we will all benefit from learning from each other and serving the women together in safe and gentle birth.
I just read about this organization through Stand and Deliver. They have volunteer opportunities for Student Midwives lasting 1 to 3 months. I'm really hoping to get the opportunity to volunteer abroad as a student midwife!
Midwifery is such a beautiful profession that transcents all cultulres! I am so happy be a part of it!