Friday, July 8, 2011

"Best Doula Ever"

Today was the day of one of my happiest and most beautiful births (thus far).

The couple hired me late in their pregnancy after they took a childbirth education class at St. Joseph's (43% cesarean rate as of 2008)  and the teacher recommended that they hire a doula if they were wanting an unmedicated birth. I had met the couple a few times and was super excited to work with them. They were incredibly nice and the mom had such a beautiful pregnancy I just knew her birth was going to be amazing! Plus I had never doula'd at St. Josephs and was up for the challenge of preserving a vaginal birth at the hospital tied with Brandon Regional for the highest cesarean rate in the county.

I met the couple at their house around 2:30 pm yesterday after the mom's water started leaking at work around 10:30. After hanging out for a couple of hours (watching a child care video, walking on the elliptical, eating the best grilled cheese sandwich and with nipple stimulation for 20 seconds every 5 minutes) the contractions picked up a regular pattern. Around 8 pm the mom took a shower and the contractions were getting stronger, longer and closer together as time moved on. The dad did an AMAZING job at timing the contractions and keeping a log!

Dad's contraction log

Around 10:30 pm we decided to go to the hospital because I suspected the mom was in transition (good moaning sounds during the contractions, hot flashes, shaking). At 11:10 pm we were in our cars and on our way to the hospital (honorable mention: we made it to the hospital in 30 minutes when it usually takes 45)

Hospital art in the lobby

When the nurse checked her in triage she was 9.5 centimeters dilated! Family soon arrived and the baby was born gently, completely unmedicated and natural around 2:30 am. 

Beautiful baby boy

Today when I went to the bank to deposit the check that the dad had written for the birth in the 'for' line it read: "best doula ever." That just made me smile. While I am honored at the title, that birth would not have happened the way it did without the incredible way they worked together and their faith in her ability to birth their baby. It was an amazing experience to be a part of. I am so proud of them, it was beautiful.


  1. Sounds like an awesome birth and a great couple!

  2. It was great and I'm so glad that it was that way because they deserved it. I LOVE when first births are so awesome. It empowers couples to take ownership of their future maternity care because they know that they know how to birth a baby! It's beautiful when people own their experience!
